Show Preview | Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson, A New Territory, oil, 70 x 38.

Jennifer Johnson, A New Territory, oil, 70 x 38.

Montana Trails Gallery, Bozeman, MT
Opens August 8

For the last five months painter Jennifer Johnson has been preparing for her solo exhibition Timeless Icons at Montana Trails Gallery in Bozeman. The show, on view beginning August 8, is a labor of love for the artist who focuses her work on the people, places, animals and icons of the American West.

Johnson says, “The stories of pioneers, cowboys, and the wild creatures that roam these vast areas offer a rich tapestry of material to explore. I am particularly fascinated by the interplay between human history and the natural world, and how they shape each other. This theme, along with a desire to preserve and celebrate the heritage and natural beauty of the West, keeps me continually inspired and passionate about my work.”

Jennifer Johnson, Golden Canopy, oil, 70 x 38.

Jennifer Johnson, Golden Canopy, oil, 70 x 38.


Appearing on the canvases are subjects that Johnson connects to personally like the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson, Wyoming. She explains that it’s a locale with “rich history and distinctive Western flair” that “captures the rugged spirit and charm” of the greater region. Along with works like ICONS OF THE WEST, which is a closeup of the establishment’s neon sign, Johnson turns to her love of the national parks that began in childhood camping, hiking and exploring and continues with her own children today.

In this show, the 1930s and ’40s era at Yellowstone National Park takes center stage. “This era represents a time of classic Americana, filled with vintage aesthetics and a sense of adventure that I’ve always been drawn to,” she says. “The [exhibition] title reflects my fascination with our rich history and the wildlife that call it home. The nostalgic poster style of my work, with its vibrant colors and iconic imagery, was a perfect fit for this theme.”

Jennifer Johnson, Prismatic Neon, oil, 36 x 36.

Jennifer Johnson, Prismatic Neon, oil, 36 x 36.

Many of the 14 works created for the exhibition mimic the vintage aesthetic of classic national parks posters with the name of the park prominently framing the images. The works include the historic lodges, iconic geysers, wildlife and more found within Yellowstone. There is a sense of nostalgia and fun that encapsulates the bygone time.

contact information
(406) 586-2166

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